Saturday, 16 September 2017

Hackers: How Can I Get Started With Hacking ?

Image result for Hackers: How Can I Get Started With Hacking ?
First, it takes intellectual curiosity. But you're already showing you have some of that by asking the question. Probably the most important skill to have is the ability to take a bug, a system, or a process, and try to think how it could be compromised to do different things than what was intended. It's this skill that takes a normal crash bug in a software program and makes it into an exploitable condition: the concept of "But what if I turned the bug sideways a little bit and tried to do something else with it?"
Interestingly enough, many developers and younger people don't realize they often have a hacker skill set already. The company I work for, HackerOne (, is always trying to encourage new hackers to learn more and get into the business of hacking because not only does it make computing and the Internet more secure, you can even make money off of it through bounty programs.
Here are some links you might find useful. The material ranges from technical to ethical consideration, and even tools. By utilizing one (or all) of these offerings you can help increase your hacking knowledge.

Additional Resources