Wednesday, 12 April 2017

How to Remove Blogger Blog Navbar

As being a blogger user if you are using default blogger template design then sometime you should worry about how you can remove blogger navbar which appears at the top of your blog of even on the sidebar. Every blogger wants to give the skilled design to their blog but in case you are working on blogger platform with default blogger template then it will show a navigation bar presents itself on your blog. We observed that each newbie start while using default blogger templates and sometime they should remove blogger navbar presents on the blog.
This article is about how to remove blogger navbar because if you are using any blogger templates and also have not remove the particular navbar then probably your website designing will be looking infancy which often can effect you visitors and they won't look up your blog again.
Below I have listed two ways to remove blogger blog navbar. You can use any one you like:

This method is so easy to follow the below given steps:

1: Automatic Method To Remove Blogger Navbar
  • Go to blogger dashboard >> Layout:
  • Click on the Edit

  • when you click on Edit you will see the below image:

Then Select off and click on save You done almost then see the result:

2: Manual Method To Remove Blogger Navbar
In this method, you will have to add some piece of code in blogger default template to remove the blogger navbar. Follow the below given steps:
  • Go to blogger dashboard:
  • Go to template >> Edit HTML >>
  • Find </b:skin> in your Template.
  • And Just above or before the </b: skin> tag, paste the below code:
#navbar-iframe { display: none !important;}
 You have done almost save and refresh the page: