Wednesday, 12 April 2017

How to Create Professional Blogger Template Using Artisteer

Blogger Platform gain a lot more popularity these days. We see in present days really newbie blogger begin their beginning blogging journey with blogger platform. There million of users using blogger platform due to its user friendly features. But let me tell you guys on matter unfortunately even currently being blogger user a lot of them still do not know how to create a specialized blogger template. They are following pro blog writers or have minimal knowledge little at this point about changing your font style, putting gadget to blogger, and Css personalization. So if you might be truly like blogger platform and blogger lover then some time you might be get interested to design a professional blogger template. So this tutorial will lead us about making and build an innovative blogger template using Artisteer. So lets start the tutorial.

Artisteer - What's this?

Artisteer is really an great web designing software that help us to develop and design a creative blogger template without knowing CSS or even Html language. Is it doesn't first most well known online tools which in turn get compatibility together with all such favorite platform. like Blogger, Drupal, joomla along with Wordpress. Artisteer software may use to create distinct templates for distinct platform.
Artisteer is as used by so many expert bloggers and website owner they create 1000s of template in seconds employing this software. one of the most effective and prominent characteristic of using Artisteer regarding template customization is that it is able to drag and lower the objects aspects. It is this automotive designing tools which work towards dragging and droping options.

How To Create Blogger Template Using Artisteer?

Step1: Creating A Blogger Tempalte

  1. Open Artisteer software from your PC
  2. To Create a template go to File Menu >> Select one of your required platform.
  3. Artisteer provides us several CMS system. Blogger, Drupal, DukeNetNuke, Joomla and wordpress
  4. Being a blogger user like me Choose Blogger
  5. Now you have choose blogger you will be able to create blogger template

Step2: Designing Template Header
When you chose Blogger platform,  You have to create many major functions of blogger blog. One of them is header. To add header, just click the header tab as below screenshot. It enables you to adjust width, height and positioning , background etc. which are enough to create a good header.

Step3: Designing Sidebar
One of the major part of Blogger blog is Sidebar, you have seen that every Blogger template consists a Sidebar, mainly on left. Artisteer provides you lot of features to style your sidebar such as Two Side, Three Sided , Colourize it etc. You can look at the screenshots below:

Step 4: Designing Post Pages
Now You added all major components of a blogger blog template. It's the time to stylize it.

Go to click on Article Option from the menu bar. After clicking on it it will provide a list of options through which you could create awesome post page for your template. You can also give different Heading styles, Text, font styles, blockquote & layout of your post area. 

Step5: Designing Other Objects Elements
  1. Background: By using background tools you have full rights to have uploaded image on background. You may also add texture to your background by using the same tools inside this sections.
  2. Menu: This option will allow you to make a drop down or single menu for your template. You can customize it and making different styles by clicking on menu button.
  3. Layout: You can use this option from the menu tool bar. This option allow us to create a full width or certain width for layout. You can easily add extra object to layout like border, texture and many more by using the same layout option. its located on the top menu toolbar.
  4. Footer: This option located from top menu toolbar. This option has limited option. By using this option we can create unique and decent footer area for blogger template.
Final Step: Exporting Your Blogger Template

After creating your blogger template, you can export it to upload it to your blogger blog. Follow steps below:
  1. Go to file Menu
  2. Click on Exporting option >> Export the template
  3. Remember the saved file would be saved with .zip extension
  4. Use winrar or winzip to extract it & use .xml to apply on blog